Richard Lynberg

Profile Updated: January 19, 2024
Richard Lynberg
Residing In Mead, WA USA
Spouse/Partner Penny Mead HS ‘76
Children Sara, born 1981; Megan, born 1983
Occupation Retired
Yes! Attending Reunion
Something About Yourself!

Majority of sales was in Pharma and Medical Supplies
Finished career in 2022 from HollisterStier

2 daughters, who both graduated from Mt Spokane HS
1 is a teacher in Mead district (Shilo Hills)
The other a nurse who is in Richland. Each has 2 kids: Just love being a grandparent!
Both SILs are great

School Story

Circle of friends and classmates was great
Strawberry Lane lives forever

Favorite Teacher Story

Fave was Mrs Conboy in Junior High
She gave her students a ton of support and encouragement. Gained confidence in talking to a variety of different people in different settings.

Also enjoyed Miss Nuxoll. I was a TA for her but always went to a vacant room to read the morning paper with Joel Mellor. At the end of the trimester, she alerted me to the fact that other teacher’s TA’s did various admin chores, class prep, etc to assist with the class. I told her that she was doing a great job. For some reason that cracked her up and we had a good laugh. I did enter grades for her that day.

First Car

63 Chevrolet for HS
First car that I bought was a 67 Camaro. 237 3 on the tree (varooom)

Richard's Latest Interactions

Richard Lynberg has left an In Memory comment for Kim Johnson.
Jul 23, 2023 at 11:07 PM

Great guy and great friend to many. Funny as the dickens. Very lucky to have spent time with him almost every year after High School.

1973 Golf team MVP


Richard Lynberg posted a message. New comment added.
May 28, 2023 at 7:25 PM

Posted on: May 27, 2023 at 10:18 AM

May 27? Happy Birthday!